Pacific Power Official Reply

Following is the official response from Pacific Power in relation to Klamath Falls feasibility study into a city owned electric utility district.

“We received the report this morning and will offer a more detailed response on its many assumptions and other elements once weve had the chance to fully review it.”

“What we can tell so far is that the city paid for a feasibility study that is heavy on assumptions and light on facts; it avoids or ignores some very important realities in its rush to justify spending yet another quarter million dollars in public money. The costs and legal timelines suggested in study are simply unrealistic and naive.”

“For instance, using other long-time, well-established public utilities rates as a comparator to Pacific Powers — or costs and rates a start-up would face ignores the significant costs of new, made-from scratch utility and the protracted legal battle of an attempted government takeover of our business. The study also doesnt appear to account for the most basic things, like another BPA rate increase announced last week, and simply guesses wrong on the Oregon renewable energy law and any new utilitys renewable energy obligations in order to comply with the law.”

“Pacific Power believes that Klamath Falls citizens should be informed of the total costs and risks being proposed, and should have a say before saddling themselves and tomorrows taxpayers with the costs of this attempted government takeover of private business and property.”

Paul Vogel

Vice President

Communication and Public Affairs

Pacific Power

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