Preparing for active shooter situations

Medford, Ore — The shooting in Lafayette has many questioning how such a thing could happen.

While many of those questions may go unanswered, local law enforcement is encouraging people to be vigilant.

We’ve all thought it, and maybe even said it, a horrible tragedy like Thursday night’s movie theater shooting could never happen here.

While the odds are extremely slim Medford Police still urge us to be prepared should the worst happen even at a place like a movie theater.

“Why wouldn’t I want to protect myself, in a movie theater or anywhere else,” said Saundra Elveton.

A theater shooting in Louisiana raises the question here in Southern Oregon, what would you do

“If I believe that I was in imminent danger or anybody next to me anybody in the same theater as me, yeah I would react,” said Elveton.

Elveton is a movie lover, she also has a concealed carry permit and a plan.

“I’m five foot seven and it makes me feel six foot seven 250, it’s an equalizer,” said Elveton.

Medford police say while the chances of a mass shooting are extremely slim, having a plan is crucial in chaotic situations.

“Thinking about this stuff ahead of time can help you react more quickly and decisively if it ever happens,” said Lt. Mike Budreau.

As stories of heroism at the theater in Lafayette emerge, Medford police say while running should be your first choice, fighting back may be necessary.

“When people do put up a resistance it can give the advantage back to or at least give some advantage to the victims,” said Budreau.

An option movie-goers like Elveton hope they’ll never have to use.

“I like movies, I love going to movies, but I definitely don’t feel that one incident in particular is going to prevent me from seeing a movie,” said Budreau.

NBC5 reached out to our local theater companies and received this statement from coming attractions theaters, “we send our deepest sympathies to everybody in Louisiana in this tragic event. “

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