Roseburg couple arrested after meth found in 2 year old daughter

Roseburg, Ore. — On April 22, 2014 deputies were called to the Mercy Medical Center emergency room. The ER staff reported possible child abuse involving a 2 year old female.

Deputies were told that the victim’s parents, Michelle Burke and James Pohl, brought the child to the ER because the child was not acting normally. Blood tests showed the child had Methamphetamine in her system.

Deputies went to Burke and Pohl’s residence on Rolling Hills Road. Deputies located a glass pipe with Methamphetamine residue, syringes and bindles containing Methamphetamine residue.

Burke and Pohl were both arrested and lodged in the county jail on Child Neglect, Endangering the Welfare of a Minor and Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine charges.

The Department of Human Services is involved in the case to ensure the safety of the victim and the other two children in the home, a 10 year old girl and a 5 month old girl.

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