SOU Ranks Their Programs

Southern Oregon University is planning for the future in a tight economy… by ranking their 183 academic programs… but not everyone’s pleased with the process. NBC-5’s Craig Smullin has the story.

Note – below you will find the rankings, this information courtesy Southern Oregon University.

Program Rankings by Quintile

QUINTILE 1 – Enhance

Department Name Program Name

Art & Art History Studio Art (BA/BS)

Biology Environmental Education (MS)

Business Business Degree Completion

Business Business Management (BA/BS)

CCJ Criminal Justice (BA/BS)

Communication Communication Studies (BA/BS)

Communication Film, TV, & Convergent Media (Major)

CPME ACS Chemistry (BA/BS)

CPME ACS Biochemistry (BA/BS)

CS Computer Science (BA/BS)

Education Continuing Licensure / Add’l Endorsement

Education Early Childhood Development (BA/BS)

Education Education (MEd MS)

Education Elementary Degree Track (BA/BS)

Education Elementary Licensure Track (BA/BS)

Education English as a Second Language (Certificate)

Education Masters of Arts in Teaching

Education Special Education (Certificate)

Education Special Education (MEd, MA, MS)

HPEL Health and Physical Education (BA/BS)

HPS History (BA/BS)

LLP English Education (BA)

LLP Foreign Language (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

LLP Spanish (BA)

LLP Philosophy (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

Mathematics Math (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

Performing Arts Theatre (BA/BS)

Psychology Mental Health Counseling (MA/MS)

Psychology Psychology (BA/BS)

Psychology Psychology (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

SSPC Economics (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

SSPC Economics (Minor)

SSPC Sociology (BA/BS)

QUINTILE 2 – Maintain & Possibly Enhance

Department Name Program Name

Art & Art History Art & Art History (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

Biology Biology (BA/BS)

Biology Biology (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

Biology Ecology, Organismal & Field Biology (BA/BS)

Business Accounting (BA/BS)

Business Hospitality & Tourism (BA/BS)

Business Interactive Marketing & E-Commerce (Certificate)

Business Management (BAS)

Communication Communication (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

Communication Film, TV, & Convergent Media (Minor)

CPME Chemistry (BA/BS)

Education Initial Administrative Licensure (Certificate)

HPEL Outdoor Adventure Leadership (BA/BS)

HPS History (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

LLP Spanish Language Teaching (MA)

LLP Spanish (Minor)

LLP Philosophy (Minor)

LLP Creative Writing (BA)

Mathematics Developmental Math & Tutoring

Mathematics Financial Mathematics (co-Major, Business)

Mathematics Math (BA/BS)

Mathematics Math (Minor)

Mathematics Math Education (Minor)

Performing Arts Music (BA/BS)

Performing Arts Theatre (BFA)

Psychology Human Services (Degree Completion)

Psychology Psychology (Minor)

SSPC Anthropology (BA/BS)

SSPC Economics (BA/BS)

SSPC Gender, Sexu. & Wom. Stud. (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

SSPC Geography (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

SSPC Native American Studies (Minor)

USEM University Seminar

QUINTILE 3 – Maintain

Department Name Program Name

Art & Art History Studio Art (BFA)

Business Accounting (Certificate)

Business / SSPC Applied Finance & Economics (Certificate)

Business Business (Minor)

Business Business Administration (MBA)

Business Business Information Systems (Certificate)

Business Management (MiM)

Business Management of Human Resources (Certificate)

Business Marketing (BA/BS)

CCJ Criminal Justice (Minor)

CCJ Criminology & Criminal Justice (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

Communication Communication (Minor)

CPME Chemistry (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

CPME Physics (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

CS Computer Science (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

Education Continuing Administrative Licensure (Certificate)

Education READ Oregon (Certificate)

HPEL Health & Physical Education (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

HPEL Military Science (Minor)

HPS Political Science (BA/BS)

LLP French (Minor)

LLP French Language & Culture (BA)

LLP Literary Studies (BA)

Performing Arts Music (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

Performing Arts Music Instruction (BA/BS)

Performing Arts Music Performance (BA/BS)

Performing Arts Theatre Studies (MoTS)

SSPC Anthropology (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

SSPC Gender, Sexu. & Wom. Stud. (Minor)

SSPC Geography (Minor)

SSPC Native American Studies (Certificate)

SSPC Native American Studies (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

SSPC Sociology (Minor)

SSPC Sociology (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

QUINTILE 4 – Review

Department Name Program Name

Art & Art History Art History (BA)

Art & Art History Art History (Minor)

Biology Biology (Minor)

Business Non-Profit Management (Certificate)

CCJ Criminal Justice – Forensics (BA/BS)

CPME Applied Physics (BA/BS)

CPME Chemistry (Minor)

CPME Forensic Chemistry (BA/BS)

CPME Materials Science (BS)

CPME Physics Engineering Dual Degree (BA/BS)

CPME Standard Physics (BA/BS)

CS Computer Science (Co-Major, Math)

Education Education (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

Education Education (Minor)

ES Ecology and Conservation (BS)

ES Environmental Studies (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

ES Land Use Planning (BS)

ES / SSPC Land Use Planning (Minor)

ES Sustainability & Policy (BS)

ES Watershed Science (BS)

History History (Minor)

HPEL Outdoor Adventure Leadership (Minor)

HPS Political Science (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

HPS Political Science (Minor)

Interdisciplinary Studies Interdisciplinary Studies (MIIS)

LLP Creative Writing (Minor)

LLP Rhetoric & Reason (Minor)

LLP Shakespeare Studies (Minor)

SSPC Anthropology (Minor)

SSPC Applied Cultural Anthropology (Certificate)

SSPC Cultural Resource Management (Certificate)

SSPC International Studies (BA/BS)

SSPC Latin American Studies (Minor)

QUINTILE 5 – Restructure

Department Name Program Name

Art & Art History Digital Art & Design (Minor)

Art & Art History General Studio Art (Minor)

Art & Art History Photography (Minor)

Biology Botany (Certificate)

Business Business (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

Business International Business (Certificate)

Business Sustainability Leadership (Certificate)

Business / CPME Business-Chemistry (co-Major)

Business / CPME Business-Physics (co-Major)

CPME Engineering Physics (BA/BS)

CPME Physics (Minor)

CS Computer Science (Minor)

CS Computer Science (MS)

ES Cultural Resource Management (BS)

ES Environmental Studies (Minor)

ES Geology (Minor)

Honors Honors (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

Interdisciplinary Studies Interdisciplinary Studies (BA/BS)

Library Instruction Library Instruction (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

LLP English & Writing (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

LLP English Education (Minor)

LLP German (Minor)

LLP Literary Studies (Minor)

LLP Professional Writing (BA/BS)

LLP Professional Writing (Minor)

LLP Special Studies (BA)

Performing Arts Music (Minor)

Performing Arts Music Composition (BA/BS)

Performing Arts Theatre Arts (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

Performing Arts Theatre Arts (Minor)

Performing Arts / Business Music-Business (co-Major)

SSPC International Studies (Gen Ed / Service / Other)

SSPC International Studies (Minor)

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