Suspicious device found outside Rogue River apartment complex

Rogue River, Ore.

Residents at Rogue Terrace Apartments got quite the scare Thursday morning after a bomb squad was called out to investigate a suspicious device. It all started when an apartment maintenance man called the cops after finding a sealed PVC pipe around 7 a.m. Thankfully that’s all it was, just a sealed PVC pipe. But people were still freaked out.

One resident, Elizabeth Casey, said she saw police tape when she looked out her window this morning. When she went to see what was going on police told her to stay inside her apartment.

“I’m still shaking. It was very, very scary,” Casey said.

Casey has lived in Rogue River for over 30 years. She said the town isn’t what it used to be and that neighbors are on edge.

“They would have to be becasue there’s an element coming in here that didn’t use to be here,” Casey said.

Police were on scene right away, but it took hours for the Oregon State Police Bomb Squad from Salem to arrive. After blocking off the street they blew off one end of the pipe to see what was inside. The contents Just water.

Ken Lewis, Rogue River Police Chief, said in this day and age you can never be too cautious.

“When you have a suspicious device we treat it as a potential lethal device until it’s proven otherwise,” Lewis said.

Casey said the town isn’t as peaceful as it used to be. Another reason people are on edge is because last April a homemade propane bomb exploded in Rogue River. It was heard and felt up to a mile away.

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