Talent Police: Rapist on the Loose

Talent Police Chief Mike Moran is going door-to-door warning homeowners in Talent about a rapist on the loose.

“He’s described as being pretty muscular,” said Mike Moran, Police Chief of the Talent Police Department.

Police say on Tuesday night a Talent woman in her late 20’s was walking ona path on North Front Street.

Police say during her walk she met a man. They began a conversation. It was during the conversation, the suspect grabbed the victim, forced her to the ground and raped her.

“It is very usual for a town our size but obviously a very serious crime,”said Moran.

Brian Kerby, a homeowner whose house sits just feet from where the incident took place said, ‘I never once heard or seen nothing.”

Visibly shocked by the news, Kerby said he was somewhat surprised when he heard what happened. “It surprises me and then it doesn’t surprise me considering the way the foliage is around the pathway. it’s a good spot I guess.”

Investigators have reached out to surrounding police departments to see if a connection may exist between this incident and an attempted kidnapping in O’brien last week.

As of right now, police do not believe the two are connected.

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