Unsolved Murders

Two unsolved murder cases are still rocking the Rogue Valley community.

The murder of David Grubbs nearly one year ago and now the death of cab driver William ‘Huey’ Huson.

Unsolved murders. “Both cases very concerning for police, the community, and the victims’ families,” says Lt. Mike Budreau with the Medford Police Department.

Today, it’s hard to believe that these two locations were a crime seen. Here around three weeks ago where police found Huey Huson’s cab and near Hunter Park where police found David Grubbs a year ago in ten days.

It’s at Hunter Park that I find Michael Grubbs, David’s father.

“We cry a lot…” remarks Michael, “Not a moment goes by that I don’t think about him. I try to keep busy, we all do.”

Sitting at David’s memorial, he remembers the best of his child.

“He loved to quote funny movies, he loved his music.”

The loss of both men took their toll not only on their families, but on our communities as well.

“It’s really scary,” says Kathy Ardry, who lives right down the street from where police found Huson’s cab. “Even in the last year there’s more crime in Medford than I’ve ever seen.”

Both cases are still considered active, and in relation to Huson’s homicide, police say they believe there are still witnesses who have not yet come forward.

“I believe it concerns them to be possible witness,” says Lt. Budreau, “…but what should be more important is getting this killer off the street.”

And while Michael Grubbs is grateful for the help that the community gives his family and police in attempting to solve his son’s case, he wishes it was enough.

“I can’t thank them enough, but I’d rather not thank them at all,” says Grubbs, “I’d rather have my son back.”

Police are still asking for tips from the community in both investigations.

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