Vigil For William “Huey” Huson

William Roy “Huey” Huson would have turned 59-years-old October 20th. But he now leaves a widow behind after he was shot to death in the valley cab he drove for work on his 58th birthday.

“I always told him I love you god bless you and please be careful,” says Susan Huson.

Almost a year has gone by and Medford Police haven’t been able to name a suspect. His wife Susan Huson say’s she’ll never give up on finding who killed Huey.

“Whoever did this is going to get caught… i just want them to know that they’re not going to get away with it.”

That’s why Huson organized a vigil for her husband, planned on the one year anniversary of his death, Sunday at six in the evening.

The candlelight vigil will be held at the end of Helo Drive where Huson’s body was found.

He was shot to death after picking up a passenger, his body dumped and cab stolen. Huson says after 62-year-old Frank Damiano from Ashland was murdered last week she can’t help but wonder if Othon Robert Campos Jr, the man on the lose suspected of killing Damiano, is connected to the death of her husband.

“I have a feeling that that person that they’re looking for just might be the person.”

Police are not saying Campos is linked to Huson’s murder. He was a frequent cab passenger and worked at Valley cab but not at the same time as Huson.

Still Huson’s wife is tracking every lead and hopes someone at his vigil on Sunday may know something.

“Sunday is a celebration of him we’re celebrating his life all over again we’re having a candlelight vigil to remember the person he was.”

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