Walk For Liz

A 23 year old Marine Corps veteran is walking across the country to raise money for a total stranger from Klamath Falls who was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

Liz Estes was diagnosed with M.S. in February, when she went to a doctor to check on weakness in her legs, and severe headaches…

“And they told me I had an hour and a half to live. They sent me in an airplane, and I though it was going to be the last time I would see my baby and my husband.”

While Liz didn’t die, her life may still be cut short.

Drew Blondeaux, a veteran of 3 tours in Afganistan, learned about Liz through his uncle Ken Blondeaux, a pastor in Portland.

Liz’s husband Jeremy Estes explains how he learned about Drew’s plan…

“We came back home, and he goes, ‘there’s a guy named Drew, ex-Marine, scout sniper, and he’s going to walk across America for you guys to raise up money.”

Last Sunday, Drew Blondeaux began his cross-country walk to raise money for Liz…

“The whole premise behind it is a random act of kindness for somebody that I don’t know. And I guess for Liz, her story’s pretty powerful.”

While Liz is very appreciative, she’s also concerned for Drew’s welfare…

“I love him to death. Like I told him, I know I’m a typical mom: ‘I don’t want you to get hurt, I don’t want you to talk to strangers…’ But you know, I’m so thankful.”

You can follow the walk online at: www.walkforliz.com

Drew Blondeaux hopes to complete his walk in about 5 months…

“After I complete the journey, I will fly up there and deliver the check to them.”

Jeremy Estes says he’s looking forward to meeting Drew…

“I would make him one heck of a big meal – and say thank you.”

Drew Blondeaux began his cross-country walk in Oceanside, California, and is currently in Twentynine Palms. Drew hopes to finish his walk in New York City.

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