Winston-Dillard Recall Thursday

Voters in the Winston-Dillard Fire District have until 8:00 p.m. Thursday night to get their ballots in to the county elections office.

County officials say that as of Tuesday, they had received about 35% of the ballots back on in the recall election for three board members, Dale Stutzman, Stan Keeler and Lyle Jeffries.

On Tuesday, workers were processing the ballots, getting them ready for the counting machine on Thursday night.

There are two drive-up drop boxes for the ballots, including one at Winston City Hall and another on Fowler and Diamond Lake Boulevard in Roseburg, across from the Library Headquarters building.

They can also be dropped off at the county clerk’s office or at the elections office in the courthouse.

Officials remind voters that it is too late to mail them now, so they need to be dropped off.

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