Photo: Sandy Fire District

Woman, 80, trapped overnight after tree falls on home

Photo: Sandy Fire District
Photo: Sandy Fire District

Sandy, Ore. — (KGW) An 80-year-old woman was trapped in her bed all night after a large fir tree fell on her home in Sandy.

She survived with only scratches, but it was quite a close call. There were only a few inches between the woman’s face and the tree after it came crashing through the roof into her bedroom.

The tree was approximately 3 feet in diameter and basically split the home in half. A neighbor alerted authorities on Wednesday after realizing what had happened.

Firefighters responded and managed to talk to the woman through the splintered damage. She eventually somehow crawled out of her bed and worked her way onto a back deck. Then, firefighters used a chainsaw to remove a portion of the railing so they could help her escape down a ladder.

“This woman was incredibly lucky to have survived this incident. This really emphasizes the importance of neighbors checking on each other and checking on the elderly, especially in rural areas and in weather related events,” said Fire Chief Phil Schneider.

The woman, whose name has not been released, was evaluated by paramedics at the scene and declined further medical treatment.

She told firefighters she went to bed early Tuesday night and just a short time later, the tree slammed down onto her house on Old Mill Road. If it wasn’t for her concerned neighbor, she might still be waiting for help. Her home sits secluded at the bottom of a hill, in a densely wooded area.

Tuesday night’s storm packed 50-mile-an-hour wind gusts in some areas, along with heavy rain.

When the high winds hit Milwaukie, the top of a large tree snapped and fell onto April Correa’s house on Southeast River Road. She said it caved in the roof over her daughter’s upstairs bedroom.

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