Talent residents protest ongoing power outages

Sen. Jeff Golden arrived to talk with concerned residents.

TALENT, Ore. – Talent residents concerned with recent frequent power outages this summer want their voices heard.

A group of a couple dozen frustrated residents of talent and the surrounding area gathered outside city hall Tuesday to protest repeated power outages that have plagued the city this summer.

Many say they’re concerned the outages left them without well water during fire season as well as the concern for families that have loved ones on life sustaining equipment that needs power.

A lack of communication from Pacific Power hasn’t helped.

They say the company just recently sent out emails to customers explaining the issues.

“They haven’t been very good at communicating and that email was about three months too late. I honestly believe that if we had known in advance what was going to be happening, we wouldn’t have been so upset.”

Talent Residents voiced their concerns with the lack of communication with Pacific Power.

The protest follows a meeting last week between Talent city officials, State Senator Jeff Golden, and Pacific Power President Ryan Flynn to address the issue.

The company attributes the outages to enhanced safety settings implemented in high wildfire risk areas, which can cause more frequent or longer duration outages

The Talent community was devastated by the September 2020 Almeda fire, which destroyed a significant portion of the town, and left many residents displaced.

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NBC5 News Reporter Ethan Quin is an Emmy-nominated multi-media journalist. He grew up in Northern California and has worked and lived across the country as a photographer and editor. Ethan graduated from Full Sale University with a BS in Film Studies. He was a photojournalist at WFMZ-TV, Allentown, PA. He’s also been a producer, documentary film maker and wildlife photographer. Ethan loves hiking, movies and playing piano and guitar.
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