Three men get 18 years in prison related to overdose death of Medford teen

MEDFORD, Ore. – Three men will be spending a total of more than 18 years in prison for distributing fentanyl that caused the overdose death of a Medford teenager in 2021.

On Thursday, 23-year-old Hunter Fenstermaker was sentenced to five years and 22-year-old Napoleon Gomez was sentenced to just over seven years. They are both from Medford. Additionally, 27-year-old Conner Lee Francis, of Portland was sentenced to over 5five years. They all have supervised release conditions and were ordered to pay the victim’s family restitution.

This comes months after 31-year-old John Rocha of Medford was sentenced to five years in prison last May for his role in the teen’s death.

Court documents show that during the investigation into the overdose death of a 17-year-old high school student in September of 2021, officers learned the teen had taken a counterfeit Percocet pill that contained fentanyl. Soon after, police identified the three suspects as the teenager’s first, second, and third-level drug suppliers.

Rocha was identified as the fourth-level supplier.

In February, Fenstermaker and Gomez were indicted for distributing fentanyl and Francis for possessing fentanyl with the intent to distribute as well as possessing a gun in connection to drug trafficking.

All three plead guilty to fentanyl-related charges in 2024.

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