Ashland High Alumn Pays It Forward

As the undefeated Ashland Grizzlies warm up for a game against Eagle Point..

They’re playing on a field unlike their own with artificial turf.

Coaches say Ashland is the only school in it’s division without it.

“Right now we have six home games a year thats about all its used for.”

But now the Grizz will likely compete on their own new turf field.

Thanks to former quarter back turned major league baseball player Jeremy Guthrie.

“I know Jeremy and I just thought what a cool guy to do that for Ashland and to make that sizable donation so that they could get the turf.”

The Kansas City Royals pitcher is donating $500,000 to Ashland High for the multi-use field and Coach Hall says his players need it.

“It’s as safe as it is on natural grass and in some cases even safer then natural..our field is unique its been around for a while its got a huge crown on it its very uneven and its very tough.”

Football dad Greg White says changing to a turf field has been in the works for six years, but the economy put plans on hold. Now thanks to an alumn quarter back his quarter back is closer to playing on a field he’s as proud of as the team itself.

“If they put the paw in the middle of the field and but some red en-zones there we’ll be ready to roll.”

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