Pathway Cleared For Same-Sex Marriage in California

While the Supreme Court’s ruling that same-sex married couples in states that allow gay marriage are eligible for federal benefits, their lack of action on Proposition 8 has effectively cleared the way for gay marriage to move forward in California.

Joeseph Jimenez has struggled, growing up gay in California.

“It was very frustrating for people to just push us to the side and pretend we weren’t there,” he said.

The prospect of marriage…bleak.

“We’re equal we just want equality,” said Jimenez.

However, on Wednesday, the Supreme Court said married same-sex couples will get federal benefits in states that allow gay marriage. In addition, justices refused to consider California’s earlier ruling that a ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional.

It means now gay and lesbian couples can legally marry in the Golden state.

“I have no problem with it,” began Grenada resident, Colleen Smith.

“I don’t think they’re special because they’re gay. I think they’re plain people who should be treated like anyone else.”

“I think it’s a great decision, in my opinion. Everybody should be treated equal,” said Lou Coulter, a Yreka resident.

“They have every right to be miserable like everybody else,” said Yreka resident Travis Graham with a smile.

But not everyone is so supportive.

“I don’t think same-sex marriage should be allowed…it just, it just ain’t right,” said Lynn Phillips who lives in Yreka.

Other Californians are smack dab in the middle.

“I have a hard time going either way because I think everybody should get the right to love whoever they want,” said Ft. Jones resident Lori March.

“Then from the biblical sense, what’s right is in the Bible and so it’s really hard,” she continued.

But for Jimenez, the future now looks a bit brighter.

“I have a boyfriend and we’re engaged and hopefully planning on getting married.”

For him, the road to marriage…has just become a bit easier.

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