Winter Arrives

Klamath Falls is digging out from about three inches of new snow…that snow was enough to result in a cancellation of classes at city schools.

Dave Johnson has had a busy day clearing lots, thanks to the snow…

“Oh, we’ve been going since two a.m.”

The snow resulted in a closure of the O.I.T. campus, and classrooms at Klamath Falls city schools. While city schools have remained open under heavier snows, Klamath Falls City Schools Superintendent Dr. Paul Hillyer felt that the timing of this snow made a snow day closure appropriate…

“There were advisories out yesterday for significant snow and wind. And I felt that being that it was the day before Christmas holidays, the families could use an extra day together anyway. So it was my Christmas present to the children.”

Traffic in Klamath Falls was moving slow over packed snow and black ice…but city streets have remained open, and traffic is flowing.

Amtrak was busy with holiday passengers, including Sebastian Macieo of Hayward, California, who’s heading on to meet family in Grants Pass…

“Just coming in to relax with Mom, throw some snowballs, have some good old home-cooked family meals, and that’s about it.”

And there’s a good chance that more snow is on the way.

The storms have been good news to farmers east of the Cascades. Recent snows have boosted mountain snowpack levels to 95% of the average for this date.

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