Dr. Robin Miller Hosts an Exclusive NBC5 News Series on Drug Diversion

June 19th, 2024
For Immediate Release

Dr. Robin Miller Hosts an Exclusive NBC5 News Series on Drug Diversion

Award-winning NBC5 News Health Reporter, Dr. Robin Miller, presents a three-part series focusing on the illegal distribution and use of drugs, known as “Diversion.” The series begins Monday, June 24th on NBC5 News at 6 and concludes Wednesday, June 26th.
In medicine, diversion is the distribution or abuse of drugs for purposes not intended by the medical professional prescribing them. Diversion can happen anywhere along the drug’s chain of custody. Drugs can be stolen from the manufacturer or pharmacy, or diverted from the patient for whom the medicine is prescribed.

“This news series is especially vital and timely in light of the recent allegations against a former local nurse accused of diverting fentanyl intended for patients under her care,” said Dr. Miller. “But the problem of drug diversion is much bigger than one nurse at one local hospital. In this story, we uncover many other examples from across the country.”

“NBC5 News broke the story of the recent drug diversion allegations,” said Bob Wise, Vice President/General Manager, KOBI-TV/NBC5 and KOTI-TV/NBC2. “NBC5 is very fortunate to have Dr. Miller’s expert insight regarding recent events. She adds valuable context to some clear and present dangers affecting our healthcare systems.”

For questions, please contact Bob Wise at 541-779-5555.

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