Breast Cancer On Rise For Women Under 40

Advanced stage breast cancer is on the rise with younger women. A new study shows among women under 40 cases of advanced breast cancer have tripled in the last 30 years.

Researchers from Seattle Children’s Hospital studied breast cancer trends from 1973 to 2009. They found a steady increase in the number of 25 to 39 year old women diagnosed with advanced stages of the disease. About a two percent increase each year.

There has been contradicting information on mammograms and at what age you should get them. But the American Cancer Society maintains women should get a baseline mammogram at age 35, and get annual mammograms starting at 40. If there is a family history of breast cancer, it recommends starting screenings at an earlier age. More specifically, the rule is a woman should get screened 10 years before the age of the family member’s diagnosis.

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