College credits catch twenty-two

Earning college credits in high school usually means a leg up for graduates, but school officials are now finding sometimes being ahead… causes students to get behind.

Crystal Jones is a best case scenario: “Art history, American history, just to name a few.”She took almost two years worth of college level classes while in high school without problems transferring. “I did get a lot of my college paid for, so it did help.”

For Rogue Community College student Mac Phillips, it also gave him a leg up, “I was placed in a higher math because of it, so I didn’t have to take hardly any math, which was nice.”

Getting college credits while in high school can save time and money. but if you don’t know where your going to school it can also pose problems.

“What I see is students finding out it doesn’t qualify for a course they need, like anatomy,” comments RCC transfer advisor Darren Van Lehn. He says high schoolers taking college level classes are running into a double edge sword, especially if they earn a lot of credits. “While it’s helping them get their degree faster, they’re not eligible for freshman financial aid… simply because they’re ahead of the game.”

He says that doesn’t mean the program isn’t useful… you just have to plan.”Talking to both where your coming from and where your going to so you can get the information ahead of time and adjust where your going,” he advises.

“The earlier you get it done the easier it will be to graduate,” says

Jones, who agrees: courses can make your course easier, if your careful.

The Medford School District and RCC report they are currently working on trying to solve these problems for high schoolers who transfer within the area.

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