Local couple makes jewelry for sick granddaughter

Gold Hill, Ore. — Some say it’s a beautiful thing when you find your craft. Ellen and Kage Smith say, for them, being able to craft for a cause is even sweeter because it’s a cause that hits close to home.

“So far she’s really been a fighter, but she’s had a hard battle and still does ahead of her,” Ellen said.

Two years ago their granddaughter, Lila May Schow, was diagnosed with stagefour neuroblastoma. Since then, she’s had eight operations and undergone treatments in New York and Portland. Now,the Hood River girlis four-years-old and is still in the fight of her life.

Overwhelmed with grief and worry her grandparents have found a way to turn that pain into beauty by hand crafting jewelry to benefit their granddaughter.

“We put together a little website and jewelry has been flying out the door,” Ellen said.

They started selling their accessories on http://www.parkilythingsforlila.com/ four weeks ago. So far they’ve sold more than 50 pieces and raised $1,600 to help cover Lila’s medical expenses.

“It’s been really good for us. In the evenings instead of just sitting and worrying we can make jewelry and be productive,” Ellen said.

The said their granddaughter, who loves anything that sparkles, is a big fan. Although they can’t be with her for every treatment or operation she’s never far from their thoughts.A big framed picture of Lila overlooks their work desk, their love for her shown in every hand crafted accessory.

Lila will come home tomorrow from New York. She will leave immediately for Portland to continue treatment at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. Ellen and Kage said they have a “Frozen” themed necklace waiting for her.

If you want to follow little Lila’s journey she has her own Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/AngelsforLilaMayfref=nf

To help the family with medical bills you can donate here: https://www.giveforward.com/fundraiser/m7y5/lila-may-s-cancer-fund

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