Max’s Story by Dr. Robin Miller: Part 3 of 3

This is the last of our three-part special report by NBC5’s Medical Reporter Dr. Robin Miller. “Max’s Story” tells of the unconditional love and compassion shared between dogs and humans. Part 1 can be seen here. Part 2 can be seen here.

Max’s Story is sponsored by Southern Oregon Subaru.

Here a transcript of the story:

Karen Evans, Executive Director SO Humane, shares, “For all of us, at S.O. Humane, We were just so happy that he had spent his last month in a loving home with comfort and laying by the fire and hanging out with these two amazing people who didn’t care that he was different and didn’t care that he wasn’t perfect.

“They wanted to open their hearts in their home to him, and it was such a gift to us, just that he had that month to share with them. But we all grieved with them. And, you know, it’s part of what we do here, that it’s heart wrenching work, but it’s also very rewarding work.

“At S.O. Humane, we believe that every life has a value. We don’t care what type of animal it is. We don’t care how old the animal is. We don’t care what challenges they have. what we say is there’s always someone for everyone. And it might take longer to find homes for some animals than others, but we’re committed to making sure that every animal that comes through our doors makes its way into a loving home and is treated with kindness and respect.

“We’re in a position here where we’re very well supported by the community, and so we do everything we can medically for these animals, behaviorally, for these animals. We try to make their stay here as close to a home environment as we possibly can. We have amazing volunteers that spent endless hours loving them and playing ball with them and walking them and caring for them.

“And, they provide enrichment toys and treats and all kinds of things. And so, we just do the very best we can for every animal in our care.”

Dr. Robin Miller: “I thought this is an important story to tell, to give us all perspective. We have no idea how long we have on this earth. What we can do is follow Max’s example. Live, love and enjoy the time we have, regardless of what life throws at us.”

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