Sequestration Cutbacks Hit Kingsley Field

Some federal sequestration cuts – to the tune of 85 billion dollars nationally can be felt around the nation, and in our area as well. One place hit hard – Kingsley Field, in Klamath Falls.

Colonel Jeremy Baenen says that daily training flights have already been reduced by about 18%…

“Which to us is going to mean that our production of student pilots, which is one of our main federal missions, is going to be reduced, and / or delayed.”

Colonel Baenen adds that about a third of Kingsley’s 900 workers will also be taking some weekly cuts in hours…

“We could expect possibly a one day, during the work week, in which they would be under furlough.”

Colonel Baenen notes the public is likely to miss some ceremonial fly-by’s due to sequestration…

“Cancellation of all fly-by’s, that includes funeral support, air shows of course.”

In addition, the airport tower is currently scheduled for closure October first.

Baenen states: “So after One October, we’ll be looking to determine how best to contract out the maintenance and upkeep of that tower while we continue to operate with our military personnel.”

Colonel Baenen notes that the cuts could result in tighter training…

“I think though that with our professional airmen, this is a good opportunity to look at how best to make more efficient operations here at Kingsley Field.”

Military flights account for about 45% of all air traffic at Kingsley field.

At this time, the cutbacks are expected to have little or no impact on commercial and general aviation at Kingsley.

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