Students Rally Around New Hope Student in a Coma

New Hope Christian varsity volleyball team is taking pictures minus one member of the team.

“It’s been really hard especially emotionally for those that are really close to her cause there’s not anything we do that doesn’t make us think of her, says senior Grace Besler.

Lashandra Dixon says “it feels like a piece of the puzzle is gone and its a big piece.”

The morning of October 16th started out as a normal day for 17-year-old senior Sarah Kostrna.

She was trying to cross the highway on her way to school when her Nissan Sentra was hit by a pickup truck.

Rescuers had to cut Sarah from the wreckage.

She was taken to Three Rivers Medical Center and later flown to Oregon Health and Science University in Portland.

Sarah suffered many critical injuries including a head injury.

Sarah’s Volleyball coach Bianca Albright says “if there’s an over comer it’s Sarah, shes definitely a fighter.”

Sarah’s volleyball team chose to continue playing their season in honor of her.

Grace says “one thing that does keep us going is we want to do it for her we want to honor her, when she wakes up we want to tell her how well we did, we want her to be proud.”

And Sarah will be proud. Her team is going to state.

“She’s the one on the court encouraging everyone making sure we get things done,” says Lashandra.

These New Hope students are bringing a new hope for their teammate and friend, believing she will make a full recovery be back on the court with them soon.

Grace says “I love her and I miss her so much I miss her most of all but I am excited for her to wake up.”

A blood drive is being held in honor of Sarah November 20th and 21st at New Hope Christian School. You can call to schedule a time frame. Contact Blue at 541-441-2965, or email [email protected]

Also an internet page has been dedicated for Sarah. A link is below.

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