Chaos and curfews spread across the nation

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (CNN) – It was another night of protests, curfews, and arrests in cities across the country last night, all sparked by last week’s killing of George Floyd while in police custody.

Tuesday was the eighth day that people took to the streets in cities across the U.S. calling for justice.

In Seattle, protesters stayed late into the night and brought umbrellas to a protest to try to block crowd control chemicals

In Los Angeles, hundreds were arrested in an act of civil disobedience but it followed a day of mostly peaceful marches throughout the city.

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti met with protesters outside city hall and acknowledged that work needs to be done on race relations but sees hope in the calls for justice. “This is a moment of opportunity and of hope and of change,” Garcetti said.

In New York City, thousands marched throughout the streets. But not all of last night’s confrontations ended peacefully. There were a number of arrests in New York for violating curfew.
In Atlanta, the National Guard and police used tear gas to disperse crowds.

Meanwhile, in Minnesota, the place where the protests began, Governor Tim Walz announced an unprecedented move. “This is the first time that the state is launching a civil rights investigation into the systemic discriminatory practices of the largest police department in the state,” Walz said. “It is also the only investigation surrounding the killings of George Floyd, focusing on the policies and practices implemented by the Minneapolis Police Department.”

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