Allergy season arrives

Medford, Ore. — As many know living in Southern Oregon means you’re more at risk for allergies.

With the weather warming up and flowers blooming we’re starting to see more hints of spring, but spring may come with a price.

Jennifer Minahen has allergies year round, but she says spring time hits her the worst.

“I got the watery eyes and the itchy nose and the running nose and the congestion.”

Her saving grace? She says, “Allergy medicine works, they work.”

But medication can only go so far when the flowers come out it really picks up.

And doctors say this year, we may see a heavy pollen count through May.

“Often see big allergies before you see some of the flowers,” said Dr.George Schultz, a

Physician at Providence Hospital. “As soon as it get warm hot and dry even those that don’t have allergies with have symptoms”

Dr. Shultz said the heavy rainfall we had in the winter months can affect people with allergies.

Another reason for the increase spike in pollen is gardening.

Planting flowers and plants that aren’t native to Oregon and northern California can create allergies.

“Your immune system gets confused because there are so many types of pollen,” Dr. Shultz said. “You know allergy season is pretty heavy when you have your dark car and yellow film on top.”

Here are a few tips to help you get through spring allergy season:

  • Know the difference between an allergy and a cold. A cold will go away within a week or so, allergies won’t.
  • Be sure to get medication for your specific symptoms.
  • If you know you have allergies, don’t wait until you notice symptoms to take medication–it needs time to build up in your system.

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