Australian government vows to pay for wildfire recovery

NEW SOUTH WALES, Australia (NBC) – Australia’s government says it is willing to pay “whatever it takes” to help communities recover from devastating wildfires.

Recent rain and cooler temperatures have brought some relief from the devastation that has destroyed hundreds of homes and killed at least 24 people.

Aerial views from a helicopter Monday showed some of the damage.

Fires have burned more than 30,000 square miles of territory, most in southeastern Australia.

Australian officials are racing to reopen blocked roads and evacuate people who have been trapped for days.

Video taken from an Air Force plane on Saturday showed the view shrouded by a glowing orange haze.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison says the government is committing extra funds to the recovery effort.

A wood chip mill in southeastern Australia burned Monday despite a break in the weather.

Eden resident Roz Butt said, “Pretty horrifying. I’ve lived here since I was four years old and I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

Peter, also an Eden resident, said, “Devastated… yeah devastated. Not much else we can say. I think we dodged a bullet a bit last night, but yeah devastated at the moment.”

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said, “The Commonwealth is committing an additional and an initial $2 billion over the next two calendar years, starting right now, to support all of the efforts of a recovery right across the country.”

Morrison also said the military was attempting to get food, fuel and water to burned-out communities.

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