Democrats vow Supreme Court fight

WASHINGTON, D.C. (NBC News) – President Trump is reportedly narrowing down his choices to fill the Supreme Court seat held by retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, and already, the political fight is going strong.

Last night in North Dakota, President Trump underscored the gravity of his choice.

“We have to pick a great one. We have to pick one that’s going to be there for 40, 45 years,” said President Trump.

Senate Democrats are insisting on holding off until after the midterm elections, saying the Senate could look very different after, citing President Obama’s 2016 pick who never got a hearing.

“I for one and others haven’t forgotten it, and as you sow, so you reap,” said Senator Dianne Feinstein.

But Republicans disagree with waiting, arguing a midterm election is no comparison to a presidential race.

Kennedy’s retirement means the nation’s highest court loses its swing vote and both sides agree that with a conservative replacement, issues like abortion rights could be rolled back.

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