Migrant caravan reaches border

TIJUANA, Mexico (NBC News) Hundreds of migrants seeking asylum have arrived at the U.S. border station in Tijuana, Mexico.

The group traveled thousands of miles as part of a caravan.

U.S. immigration officials say the port of entry is at capacity and people without proper entry documents cannot be processed.

The migrants must now wait to seek asylum.

“Once they declare that they have fear of returning to the home country, then the U.S. authorities will take them in, probably detain them for a couple days and then turn them over to ICE,” says Pedro Rios, director of the group American Friends in San Diego.

Immigration attorneys have worked to pinpoint the 150 or so with a chance to be granted asylum

“The reason why the legal review is important is so that people who don’t have a well articulated asylum claim and no chance of winning do not needlessly subject themselves to a system that is designed to deport them,” immigration attorney Nicole Ramos explains.

President Trump has promised to bar them from entering the U.S., tweeting “I have instructed the Secretary of Homeland Security not to let these large caravans of people into our country.”

Read more: https://nbcnews.to/2r9P1IH

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