Sacred Heart Catholic School begins $2.5M construction project


MEDFORD, Ore. — Sacred Heart Catholic School students donned plastic toy hard hats as they cheered on construction workers from afar Monday morning.

Outlier Construction Company began tearing down the outer part of Sacred Heart’s gymnasium building just after 8 a.m. The principal, Curt Shenk, says this is the first day crews are working to demolish, and eventually rebuild, parts of this historical building. The inner gymnasium had a failing roof and hadn’t had a major update since the 1950s.

While the peripheral, outer rooms of the building are being torn apart by an excavator, the main gymnasium portion will stay structurally intact. But, Shenk says eventually the renovated gym will have a new roof, updated HVAC and electrical systems, and will be made earthquake proof via seismic retrofitting.

The $2.5 million project is thanks in part to the Sacred Heart parish, who helped raise funds in a capital campaign last fall. Outlier Construction Company, which has done projects for the Sacred Heart Church before, worked with Medford’s Historical Commission to help preserve the historical integrity of the building. Shenk says this project has been a long time coming for the students.

“They’re thrilled to have a new building. The gym is definitely in need of a remodel and a facelift, so they’re excited about that,” Shenk says.

The target completion date for this project is late October, early November of this year.


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NBC5 News at Sunrise Co-Anchor and Reporter Natalie Sirna grew up in Glendora, CA and attended the University of La Verne. She graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in English, and served as Editor-in-Chief of La Verne Magazine. Her experience as an editor piqued her interest in broadcast journalism. When she's not reading or writing, Natalie enjoys oil painting and playing her electric guitar. Learn more about Natalie in this report:
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