Man employed by Ashland area Montessori school jailed for child sex crimes

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. – Following the July arrest of a 68-year-old Ashland man suspected of sexual exploitation of a child, police are learning the man was employed at an Ashland area Montessori school at the time of his arrest.

According to the Ashland Police Department, Craig Albert Johnson was arrested on July 30 after the Central Point Police Department received a report of potential sexual exploitation of a 5-year-old.

During the investigation, police learned that Johnson was employed at the Children’s World Montessori School in Ashland. They also say they found evidence that additional instances of child exploitation took place at the school.

Police have identified several victims and are working to identify more potential victims. They say all of the children victimized by Johnson are female.

The Children’s World Montessori School is cooperating with both Ashland and Central Point police departments through their ongoing investigation.

Johnson is currently in the Jackson County Jail and faces multiple charges including encouraging child sex abuse and child exploitation. However additional criminal charges may be added based on the results of the police investigation.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Lacie Six with the Ashland Police Department.

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