Mosquitos with West Nile Virus identified in White City

WHITE CITY, Ore. – The third case of mosquitos with West Nile Virus in Jackson County this year has been identified in White City.

That’s according to the Jackson County Vector Control District, who conducts the testing. The insects were collected as part of a routine surveillance program.

As NBC5 News reported last month, mosquitos in Central Point also tested positive for the virus.

While most mosquito-borne infections are mild, with fever or flu-like symptoms, severe infections may cause inflammation of the brain or rarely death. The virus can also affect animals.

“It can be deadly for birds particularly crows, ravens, jays. The illness can be pretty serious for horses, so we do also recommend that you get your horses vaccinated for West Nile Virus as well,” JCVCD Vector Ecologist Andrew Partin said.

Residents are encouraged to take basic precautions against mosquitos.

To protect against mosquitos, the vector control district suggests residents eliminate standing water, ensure screen doors and windows are in good condition, avoid being outdoors when mosquitos are active, wear long sleeved shirts and pants while outside as well as use repellants containing DEET.

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