Northern California man arrested on charges related to child porn

CRESCENT CITY, Calif. – A Crescent City man is behind bars on charges related to child pornography.

According to the Crescent City Police Department, 42-year-old Loyd Sheppard was arrested Thursday during an authorized search at a home in the 1800 block of Railroad Avenue.

During the search, police recovered digital evidence along with interview statements which led to Sheppard’s arrest.

Police say during the arrest, officers learned that Sheppard and another resident were also engaging in bestiality.

A child, who lived at the residence, was taken into protective custody by Del Norte County Child Welfare Services. Dogs were also taken into custody by Del Norte County animal control officers.

The investigation is ongoing.

The case will be sent to the Del Norte County DA with a recommendation of charging both residents with sexual contact with an animal and charging Sheppard on charges related to child porn.

The Crescent City Police Department was assisted by a California Department of Corrections crisis response team from Pelican Bay, as well as K9 teams.

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