P.O.W. bracelets honor McCain’s memory

DENVER, Colo. (KPNX) – People across the country are honoring the late Senator John McCain, including those who wore bracelets bearing the names of P.O.W.s captured during the Vietnam War.

Jo Martin of Denver, Colorado still has her bracelet bearing McCain’s name after all these years.

“It’s just his name and rank, and the date he was captured….10-26-67,” Martin says.

Five million of the bracelets were sold in the 1970s to draw attention to service members captured or missing during combat.

“It stayed on my wrist until I graduated from high school, I think, and then it went into a box, and then about ten years ago I found it and saw the name, and was shocked,” Martin says.

In Sacramento, California Sue London posted her John McCain bracelet on Twitter, prompting thousands of reactions and comments.

“I think right up until the end he has imparted us with this courage,” London says.

Even McCain himself wore a similar bracelet, bearing the name of Matthew Stanley, who was killed in combat near Baghdad in 2006.

Source: http://bit.ly/2BWyoIs

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