Wildlife rehabilitation

Keno, Ore. – Unless you’re properly trained, trying to nurse injured wildlife back to health may not be a good idea.

Liz Burton of Badger Run Wildlife Rehab says the situation happens more often than you’d think.  “We had a couple of very well meaning people, in unrelated incidents, that found injured birds, weren’t sure what to do with them or where to take them.”

In both cases, the rescuers waited too long to seek help.

“They kept the animals.”  Explains Burton.  “They fed them, but the nature of their injuries were such that by the time we did get a hold of them we had to euthanize.”

One of the birds was a bald eagle.

“The eagle had a shattered elbow.”  Burton notes.  “And I think we can all imagine how painful that must have been.  I probably would have had to have euthanized him upon intake many months ago, but at least he wouldn’t have spent months suffering in pain.”

Wildlife are likely to stand a better chance if professionals are called early.

“At least give us a call.”  Urges Burton.  “Or Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and let somebody help that animal.  Don’t leave it there to suffer in pain.”

Burton adds you won’t be held financially responsible for getting the bird or animal help.  “There is never a charge to anyone for assisting with wildlife.”

Most animals that can’t be released back into the wild can still live out their lives in a sanctuary.

Veterinarians and animal shelters can often assist you in locating a wildlife rehab specialist.

Many state police offices also have wildlife officers that can help.

You can find out more about Badger Run, and how to help online:  www.badgerrun.org

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