In one of the biggest upsets in Olympic road cycling history, Anna Kiesenhofer of Austria won the women’s road race early Sunday to capture her nation’s first Olympic medal since the inaugural 1896 Athens Games. Kiesenhofer covered the 85.1-mile (137 km) course from Musashinonomori Park ...

PHOENIX-TALENT, Ore. — The Phoenix-Talent School District recently received a special gift from Medford’s sister city in Italy. Medford’s sister city, Alba, Italy, heard about the devastating Almeda Fire and wanted to help. ‘The Sister City Committee’ raised a total ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — Plans for a trip to Medford’s sister city Alba, Italy, have been cancelled. The country closed down due to the coronavirus outbreak, leaving 60 million people in lockdown. The president of the Medford-Alba Sister City Association has ...

MEDFORD, Ore.– A little taste of Italy came to Medford this weekend with the 7th annual Taste of Alba. Alba, Italy has been a sister city with Medford since 1960. The two have shared cultural activities with each other at ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — More than a dozen exchange students arrived in Medford for a special visit Sunday night. The group of 26 high school students is from Alba, Italy, Medford’s sister city. For the next two weeks, they’ll be hosted ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — The mayor from Medford’s sister city in Alba, Italy arrived at the Medford International Airport tonight. Mayor Maurizio Marello along with distinguished guests, including the Councilwoman for Alba’s sister cities (of which there are seven), will be ...

  #HotelRigopiano le immagini eccezionali del salvataggio del bimbo ad opera delle squadre #USAR #vigilidelfuoco — Vigili del Fuoco (@emergenzavvf) January 20, 2017 Rome, Italy (NBC News) — Rescuers were working to free eight survivors Friday who had endured ...

#terremoto, ricognizione aerea #drone #vigilidelfuoco macerie #amatrice — Vigili del Fuoco (@emergenzavvf) August 24, 2016 Amatrice, Italy (NBC) — Over 12 hours have passed since a powerful earthquake hit central Italy and rescuers from across the country have arrived ...

Rome, Italy – Two passenger trains collided on the Bari Nord train line in Italy on Tuesday. NBC News reports 23 people were killed in the crash and dozens more were wounded. Francesca Maffini, a spokesperson for Italy’s civil protection ...

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