ASHLAND, Ore.- The Ashland branch of the Jackson County Library District receives complaints for removing a Pride banner from display. During the library’s Board of Directors meeting, Library Director Kari May explained the banner was put up at the library ...

(CNN) – Delta Airlines is changing its uniform policy for flight attendants after passengers complained about some wearing Palestinian flag pins. A social media post sparked the issue when two different Delta flight attendants were seen wearing what they called ...

MEDFORD, Ore.– The YMCA in Medford is making policy changes regarding its locker rooms after a complaint from one of its patrons. Back on April 10th, the YMCA said it learned of an incident where a mother claimed a man ...

ASHLAND, Ore. — Conversations about use of force have sparked across the country after the George Floyd incident with some police departments making changes to their policies. That’s the case in Ashland. Chief Tighe O’Meara says he met with city ...

MEDFORD, Ore. – The Medford Police Department is sharing its philosophy on use of force policies. The Department says in the wake of the George Floyd protests, it has received several inquiries from members of the community about their policies ...

Medford, Ore. — Congressman Greg Walden was in Medford Friday to discuss the impacts this wildfire season has had on the region, and what can be done at the federal level to address it. He says current policy isn’t working, and ...

Medford, Ore. — Charter high school students  will not be excluded from public school activities like drama, band and sports until 2018. That’s the word from the Medford School Board Monday night. The Medford School Board is deciding to give charter ...

A revision to exclude charter high school students from participating in Medford school district activities like drama, band and sports is on hold tonight. The Medford school board has decided to look further into the proposed policy before officially taking charter ...

(NBC News) — Donald Trump’s campaign may be shifting positions on immigration. After meeting with his newly formed group of Hispanic advisors, Trump may be softening his stance on deporting 11 million illegal immigrants. Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway went ...

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