MEDFORD, Ore. — Step 2 of the Almeda Fire clean-up process has officially begun. But that doesn’t mean all the hazardous waste is cleaned up. Jackson County’s Emergency Operations Center says EPA contractors have cleaned up all household hazardous waste ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — FEMA is providing housing options for eligible fire victims. According to the latest FEMA registration numbers, Jackson County says just short of 50 percent of all the people registered are staying with friends and family, 17 percent were ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — Some Almeda Fire victims are at risk of losing emergency housing next year. As of Monday, the county says the Red Cross was housing 550 fire victims in 285 different hotel rooms throughout the valley. That service ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — Step 2 of the Almeda Fire clean-up process has officially begun. That’s the latest from Jackson County’s Emergency Operations Center. In a press conference on Wednesday, Jackson County announced out of the 4,515 valid registrations, FEMA has ...

MEDFORD, Ore. — In a press conference on Wednesday, Jackson County’s Emergency Operations Center announced undocumented immigrants are at risk of losing emergency housing. The county says its now petitioning to the private sector to help people ineligible for housing ...

JACKSON CO, Ore. — The deadline to get disaster assistance from FEMA has been extended from today, to Monday, November 30th. FEMA has already given $19.4 million to fire victims in Jackson County this fall. You can register at the ...

JACKSON COUNTY, Ore. — Monday is the deadline to apply for FEMA assistance in Jackson County. The MARC, or Multi Agency Resource Center, at Central High School in Medford, is open from 8AM to 6PM Monday through Saturday. It’s closed ...

MEDFORD, Ore. – FEMA is warning wildfire survivors not to fall victim to fraud or scams. While some people come together during a disaster, others may take advantage of vulnerable situations. FEMA says just because someone wears their logo doesn’t ...

MEDFORD, Or.- The Jackson County Fairgrounds have played a central part in Jackson County’s fire recovery and response the past two months. Now, parts of the grounds are being used by FEMA to provide state-wide support. FEMA is preparing to ...

JACKSON CO., Or.- Jackson County Emergency Operations held a press conference earlier today to discuss updates on fire cleanup and re-housing concerns. Organizers took the opportunity to also remind people of important upcoming deadlines. Emergency housing is beginning to enter ...

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